miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

"My beloved."

"My beloved."—

Song of Solomon 2:8.

This was a golden name which the ancient Church in her most joyous moments was wont to give to the Anointed of the Lord. When the time of the singing of birds was come, and the voice of the turtle was heard in her land, her love-note was sweeter than either, as she sang, "My beloved is mine and I am His: He feedeth among the lilies."

Ever in her song of songs doth she call Him by that delightful name, "My beloved!" Even in the long winter, when idolatry had withered the garden of the Lord, her prophets found space to lay aside the burden of the Lord for a little season, and to say, as Esaias did, "Now will I sing to my well-beloved a song of my beloved touching His vineyard."

Though the saints had never seen His face, though as yet He was not made flesh, nor had dwelt among us, nor had man beheld His glory, yet He was the consolation of Israel, the hope and joy of all the chosen, the "beloved" of all those who were upright before the Most High.

We, in the summer days of the Church, are also wont to speak of Christ as the best beloved of our soul, and to feel that He is very precious, the "chiefest among ten thousand, and the altogether lovely."

So true is it that the Church loves Jesus, and claims Him as her beloved, that the apostle dares to defy the whole universe to separate her from the love of Christ, and declares that neither persecutions, distress, affliction, peril, or the sword have been able to do it; nay, he joyously boasts, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us."

O that we knew more of Thee, Thou ever precious one!
My sole possession is Thy love; In earth beneath, or heaven above, I have no other store; And though with fervent suit I pray, And importune Thee day by day, I ask Thee nothing more.


♥ <(((>< †   ><)))> ♥

"El verdadero ministro de Cristo sabe que el verdadero valor de un sermón debe estar,
 no en su forma y manera, pero en la verdad que contiene."

~ C. H. Spurgeon ~

 El propósito de estas páginas es compartir la preciosa palabra de Dios, 
sin adquirir ninguna recompensa monetaria. 
Dios me dio la salvación de forma gratuita, 
así que comparto el evangelio de su palabra de la misma manera ..

 Padre, te pido que bendigas a mis amigos, familiares y los que me has puesto profundamente, en la mente y el corazón 
 y que están leyendo esto en estos momentos.
 Muéstrales una nueva revelación de Tu amor y Tu poder. 
Espíritu Santo, te pido que ministres a su espíritu en este momento. 
Donde hay dolor, dales Tu paz y de Tu misericordia ..
 Donde hay duda de sí mismos, envía una confianza renovada a través de Tu gracia.
 Donde haga falta lo necesario, te pido que cumplas con sus necesidades.
 Bendice sus hogares, familias, finanzas, su salidas y sus entradas.
 Si gusta ver otras entradas vaya y revise el archivo y allí encontrara muchas..
 Tenemos otras paginas para tu bendicion, están en ingles pero tenemos traductor para el español,

 Por favor comparte con tus amigos y familia a los que tienen (E.mail) esta localizado al lado del lapiz, (es un sobre) en el final de la entrada o poste.....


La reflexión y la inspiración del "Príncipe de los Predicadores" Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
 Declaración de Derechos de Autor, este recurso se produjo antes de 1923 
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Todo lo que hacemos es para la gloria de Dios, nuestro creador y oramos por todas aquellas personas que  estan siempre compartiendo nuevas fotos para el  maravilloso reino de  Dios, para asi poder continuar compartiendo el EVANGELIO DE JESUCRISTO..
Gracias y Bendiciones.
Blog created May 05/2011